We would like to congratulate all those who have received their doctorate
Dear members of the Promotion Council, dear Section Officers, esteemed Aikidoka, esteemed highly graduated members of the ACSA,
It gives us great pleasure to inform you that last Sunday, January 12, 2025, the Hombu Dojo officially confirmed our proposals for this year’s promotions. This good news was sent directly from the Doshu.
The official announcement of the promotions took place during the Kagami Biraki ceremony. The names of those promoted were then published on the Hombu Dojo’s 2025 promotion list.
It is with pride and pleasure that we would like to congratulate the following ACSA members on their well-deserved promotions:
- Dan:
Renata Jocic, Aikido School Bern
- Dan:
Georges Morisod, Shung Do Kwan Budo, Geneva
Stephane Humbert, Judo Club Delémont
- Dan:
Martina Heuscher, Aikido School Langenthal
Marcel Leemann, Aikido Dojo Wettingen
Jürg Ehrensperger, Aikido Ikeda Dojo Zurich
Hugo Mathis, Aikido Ikeda Dojo Zurich
Markus Gloor, Aikido Ikeda Dojo Zurich
René Isenring, Aikido Appenzell
Marcel Zanyi, Aikido Fricktal/Mittelland
- Dan
Claudia Schiess, Aikido Ikeda Dojo Zurich
Download: Kagami Biraki 2024