We would like to congratulate all those who have received their doctorate
Dear members of the Promotion Council, dear Section Officers, esteemed Aikidoka, esteemed highly graduated members of the ACSA, It gives us great pleasure to inform you that last Sunday, January 12, 2025, the Hombu Dojo officially confirmed our proposals for this year’s promotions. This good news was sent directly from the Doshu. The official announcement of the promotions took place…
New Year’s message from the IAF
ACSA Summer School in Saignelégier 2025
The summer school is a place of encounter and exchange Between generations Between advanced and beginners Between people from all over Switzerland
Obersee Bilingual School
A school with vision and AIKIDO on the timetable!from Mister@ed Download the report as PDF
30 years of Aikido Slovakia celebration
About two weeks ago, Catalina had the honor of officially representing Swiss Aikikai at Slovakia’s 30th anniversary celebration. The impressive photos give a vivid impression: the training sessions under the direction of Dojo-cho Mitsuteru Ueshiba were intensive and enriching. Participants from more than 20 countries were represented. Such events always offer an excellent opportunity to maintain old acquaintances on the…
Umbrella Seminar 2025
September 6/7, 2025